Doe Deere is a Beauty Rule Breaker

It does not take an extensive search online or a thorough read of any beauty magazine to find a list of this season's beauty rules to be...

Amy Winehouse’s Father to Create Foundation to Support Addicts

Amy Winehouse’s father mourns the loss of his Grammy Award winning daughter, will create foundation to support those suffering from addiction

Actor Jared Leto Just Learned About the Coronavirus Outbreak

The biggest story on the planet for the past few weeks has been the coronavirus that has now infected more than 200,000 people. However, there...

Lindsay Lohan Sues Pitbull

Despite her past trouble making, Hollywood actress Lindsay Lohan has taken offence at a comment made by rapper Pitbull in the summer hit 'Give me Everything'.

Where does Justin Bieber live?

Justin Bieber is doing a lot of touring around the world, but where does he really live. Justin lives in Toluca Lake, just outside of Los Angeles....

1D’s Niall Horan Attacked by Paparazzi at LAX

One Direction member Niall Horan was caught in a fray with paparazzi leaving LAX, causing one pap to drag him to the ground.
Ryan Seacrest American Idol April Fools

Ryan Seacrest and Other Celeb Pranksters on April Fool’s Day 2018

April fool’s day is a day characterized by practical jokes and hoaxes. People from all over the world spread hoaxes and play practical jokes on one another...

Stop Asking Joaquin Phoenix That Joker Question

No official news has come out regarding a sequel to the massively successful film Joker. Fans and the media do want to hear an update....

Keeping Up With Ryan Seacrest’s Busy Schedule

Ryan Seacrest and Kelly Ripa have been co-hosting Live with Kelly and Ryan for almost two years now. But both Kelly and Ryan know that hosting a...

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