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The latest movie and film news - Including the latest news on all of hollywood's newest releases.

‘Dark Knight Rises’ footage leaked

A sneaky camera person snuck a few shots of the upcoming movie 'The Dark Night Rises', starring Christian Bale.

Keanu Reeves Gives Away Matrix %

Keanu Reeves is sharing the wealth with the crew behind the Matrix films, giving them his share of all royalties going forward.

New Harry Potter Featurettes…again!

With two weeks to go, Warner brother have released, not one, but two featurettes to excite Potter fans.

Summer Blockbusters: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part Two

No doubt the bittersweet end of the Harry Potter film franchise will be the summer blockbuster to end all summer blockbusters.

‘Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol’ Trailer Released

Ethan Hunt and his team must go undercover to clear their organization's name.

Leonardo DiCaprio in talks with Clint Eastwood

It is rumored Leonardo DiCaprio is being considered by Clint Eastwood to take the male lead alongside Beyonce Knowles in 'A Star Is Born.'

‘Brave’ teaser trailer arrives!

Pixar's 'Brave' trailer hit the net this weekend, and despite being rather short the film looks set to impress.

Super 8’s Joel Courtney on verge of Hollywood breakthrough

Newcomer Joel Courtney finds Hollywood stardom after his role in J. J. Abrams 'Super 8'.

Emma Stone confirmed as Zombie slaying herion

Zombieland actress Emma Stone reprises her role as a zombie slaying heroin as leading lady Elizabeth Bennet in the 2013 movie adaptation of Pride, Prejudice and Zombies.

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