Is Google Home cool or not?

If you are interested in gadget and technology in general, you have heard about Google Home. We have tested Google Home for about 3 months now, so...

Belt buckle with credit card holder

Keeping track of your credit cards or your wallet can be a real pain, but one company have made a solution to your problem. The company Wallet...

Lifx or Hue? Choose the correct smart bulbs

Light bulbs are in general not very exciting. Smart bulbs, on the other hand, are cool and exciting. With a push of a button on your phone...

Latest Details on the SNES Classic Have Been Released!

Is there anything more satisfying than sitting down in front of something from your childhood and enjoying it as if you were still a kid? For many...

Nintendo Takes Step Forward With Nintendo Switch

If the Nintendo Switch had come out at any other point in gaming history it would easily be the biggest story of the decade. However, with the...

Does cleaning robots work?

If you walk through Best Buy or even just visit, you will probably see robots that can vacuum your house or apartment. Of the bat, the...

How to get Wifi in your whole house?

Everyone needs a wifi connection - everywhere. A common problem is that your Wifi signal is not available in your whole house or apartment. So why is...

Resident Evil Finally Debuts on Nintendo Switch

When one thinks of survival horror entertainment, the natural viewing atmosphere is one spent in solitude with low-lighting. The recent release of the "Resident Evil Revelations" duology...

This watch can save your life!

Do you know anyone that have had cardiac arrest? If you do, then you know the level of insecurity that impacts the person who has had the...

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