1. The Biggest Death in The Walking Dead:

One of the most impactful and shocking deaths in “The Walking Dead” was that of Glenn Rhee, portrayed by Steven Yeun. Glenn’s brutal and unexpected demise in Season 7 left fans devastated. The emotional impact of his death reverberated not only within the show but across the fan community, making it one of the most significant deaths in the series.

2. The Walking Dead Virus:

In the world of “The Walking Dead,” the virus responsible for the zombie apocalypse is not thoroughly explained. However, it is known that every living person carries the virus. The virus activates upon death, reanimating the deceased and turning them into walkers. It’s an essential element in the show’s plot, driving the ongoing struggle for survival.

3. What Zombies Eat in The Walking Dead:

In “The Walking Dead,” the zombies, commonly referred to as walkers or biters, are driven by a primal urge to feed on living creatures, primarily humans. Their insatiable hunger for flesh is a central theme in the series, serving as a constant threat to the survivors. The show often depicts them feeding on animals and, when possible, on humans, making it a gruesome aspect of the post-apocalyptic world.

These intriguing and somewhat eerie facts contribute to the show’s popularity and allure. “The Walking Dead” has successfully managed to capture the audience’s imagination, keeping them on the edge of their seats with each twist and turn in the storyline.

For more fascinating facts about “The Walking Dead” series, explore the following articles:

– [12 Weird Walking Dead Facts You May Not Have Known](https://www.cinemablend.com/television/12-Weird-Walking-Dead-Facts-You-May-Have-Known-127557.html)

– [15 Facts You Probably Didn’t Know About The Walking Dead](https://planetradio.co.uk/hits-radio/entertainment/television/15-facts-probably-know-walking-dead/#:~:text=1)%20Several%20characters%20aren’t,WARNING%3A%20Gruesome%20death%20scene!)