Almost everyone listens and relates to song lyrics. They can be sad, happy, romantic and some lyrics does not give any meaning at all. James TW`s song “Someone to love” is one powerful song and important song. Perhaps one of the most important songs we have heard in a long time.

In his song “Someone to love” he explains a divorce in a beautiful way. It sounds crazy, but as for someone who has been through a divorce and has kids on my own. I wish someone was playing that song for me when my parents were splitting up 20 years ago.

Read the lyrics:

Come home early after class
Don’t be hanging ’round the back of the schoolyard
I’ve been called up by a teacher
She says she can’t even reach you ’cause you’re so far
You’ve been talking with your fist
We didn’t raise you up like this, now did we
There have been changes in this house
Things that you don’t know about in this family
It don’t make sense, but nevertheless
You gotta believe us, it’s all for the best
It don’t make sense
The way things go
Son you should know
Sometimes moms and dads fall out of love
Sometimes two homes are better than one
Some things you can’t tell your sister ’cause she’s still too young
Yeah you’ll understand
When you love someone
There ain’t no one here to blame
Nothing’s going to change with your old friends
Your room will stay the same
‘Cause you’ll only be away on the weekends
It don’t make sense but nevertheless
You gotta believe us, it’s all for the best
It don’t make sense
It don’t add up
We’ll always love you no matter what
Sometimes moms and dads fall out of love
Sometimes two homes are better than one
Some things you can’t tell your sister ’cause she’s still too young
Yeah you’ll understand
When you love someone
When you love someone
Come home early after class
Don’t be hanging ’round the back of the schoolyard
And if we’re crying on the couch
Don’t let it freak you out
This has been so hard
Sometimes moms and dads fall out of love
Sometimes the best intentions just ain’t enough
Some things you can’t tell your sister ’cause she’s still too young
Yeah you’ll understand
When you love someone
When you love someone
When you love someone
When you love someone

According to an interview that was done by Huffington Post, he elaborates on how he came up with the lyrics. He was teaching a boy how to play instruments in exchange for pocket money. James found out that this boy`s parents were getting a divorce. The boy did not know about this, so he wrote a song for him so he could have something positive to listen to in regards of the situation.

This song should be known by all parents. It explains something so sad and complicated in a positive. Maybe we should nominate James TW for the Noble Peace Prize?