Gotham star Cameron Monaghan finally gave fans what they wanted to see. The actor posted a picture of himself as The Joker. Fans waited a long time to see how the Gotham version of the “Clown Prince of Crime” turn out. Now, they know. A second photo hit the internet soon after the first. In the second picture, more of The Joker’s gaudy apparel is visible.

Fan reaction to the Monoghan Joker appears mixed. His version of The Joker comes off far more horrific than previous versions. Of course, it becomes impossible for Monoghan to escape comparisons to Joaquin Phoenix’s version since the upcoming Joker movie trailer hit the internet. The Phoenix Joker received rave reviews as the trailer reveals what is likely an outstanding movie with an exceptional performance.

Discontent over Gotham’s Joker seems to focus on the character’s look. No, this Joker doesn’t look anything like previous ones on television or the big screen. This Joker looks significantly more menacing than other incarnations. Based on the photos, this Joker comes off as evil, menacing, and dangerous. He does not, however, present much of the “whimsy” the disturbed character displays. The look doesn’t capture the style made famous in the comic books. In reality, it shouldn’t.

Gotham often veers into dark territory. Episodes displayed a shocking level of violence for a superhero series. The lighthearted nature of The Flash isn’t present in Gotham, so the garish nature of the series’ Joker makes sense.

According to Heroic Hollywood, the creative team at Gotham has another reason why the series’ Joker must look different. The character must be distinct and not derivative of previous portrayals. Fan backlash to a “rip-off Joker” would be enormous.

That’s not to say they would stop watching the series’ conclusion. Nor would the fans likely cease to purchase the inevitable Blu-ray complete series special edition, However, the backlash would hang like an unnecessary black cloud over the series’ promotional endeavors.

Ultimately, Cameron Monaghan’s performance will define how good of a Joker he is. Soon, fans will see the performance play out as Gotham comes to an end.