A great deal of anticipation is building over the release of the new entry in the Halloween franchise. The star of the original film, Jamie Lee Curtis, returns to the franchise once again. Horror fans may take this new entry a bit more seriously thanks to her presence. Curtis definitely saved the near-dead franchise when she agreed to appear in Halloween H20. At the time, the Halloween franchise seemed doomed at the box office. H20 turned out to be a mega sleeper hit. With Curtis appearing on TV in the new Scream Queens series, her presence could attract old and new fans to the further adventures of Michael Myers.

Like Texas Chainsaw 3-D, the next Halloween film ignores all other entries and reboots and acts as a direct sequel to the first film. The further buzz about the project seems to suggest Michael Myers may be killed “for good.” Honestly, that isn’t going to happen.

Didn’t Jamie Lee Curtis’ character of Laurie Strode (nee Myers) decapitate Michael Myers in H20 only to find out she killed the wrong person in the very next sequel? And wasn’t Strode’s character killed by Myers? All that continuity was eradicated simply by rebooting the series again. Michael Myers, like Dracula, Frankenstein, Leatherface, Jason, and Jigsaw, will always exist in one franchise or another.

Iconic horror movie characters have a tendency to consistently connect with audiences. There might be a multi-year time when the character is considered dated, but the cinematic purgatory isn’t usually permanent. A character can be resurrected for a new franchise when the time is right. Sooner or later, the rights to Halloween and Michael Myers will go to a new production house.

No matter what happens to Michael Myers in the new film, he shall return at some point. For 40 years, the character has made money. No production company will completely kill the character off.