Joshua Dugger certainly has made a name for himself. He was once known as the wholesome son of the Duggar Family. However, when news broke that he mistreated his younger sisters and his parents didn’t go to the police, the public changed their opinion of him. However, fans do like his wife, Anna. The couple currently has six children, one of which she just gave birth to at the end of November.

Josh is currently in a lawsuit regarding fraudulent activities at his car lot. Additionally, he is also thought to be a person of interest in a federal investigation with homeland security. So it sounds like they have many things on their plate, but having a baby just seems to be the perfect way to detour negative publicity.

The family has been silent on their Facebook and Instagram accounts. However, Anna did take a break from her sabbatical to put pictures of their newborn on her wall for all to see. The little angel was born on November 27, 2019, and her name is Maryella Hope. They named her after her grandmother and the religion they follow. Fans took a moment to admire the babe and forget about all the things that Josh had done. The tiny tot was adorned in a green Christmas outfit and looked festive and bright.

Many fans and well-wishers stopped by to comment on the post and congratulate Anna. With child number six, it seems this momma will have her hands full. One thing shocked fans as they examined the infant. One nurse made a comment that opened the floodgates for many more to voice their concerns. She couldn’t help but see that Maryella was yellow. The nurse wasn’t sure if it was a filter they were using or if the baby was jaundice. However, having experience with infants, she knows that it’s all too common.

Anna didn’t pay any attention to the observations by others. She closed the comments after so many so that no one else could voice their opinion. Fans were concerned because they believe the baby was delivered via a home birth. Hopefully, the Duggar family took her to the pediatrician, where she could be evaluated. Jaundice is a prevalent condition in infants, but it can get dangerous if not treated. With Anna having five previous children, she is probably pretty educated on the matter and how to treat it.

If anything, fans should wish this child and her sibling luck, given the current state of their father’s personal life. It seems that his reputation has declined and doesn’t look to be improving. He needs a good job and more than a small used car lot to provide for his brood.