Washington D.C. is one of the most important cities in the world. With over twelve million people, it’s home to some of the world’s biggest businesses and governments. And as always, politics play a big role in how these businesses are run. So it’s no surprise that Washington D.C. is also one of the most political cities in the world. This blog post will look at some of the political trends to keep an eye on in Washington, D.C, in 2022.

1. Medicare For All

It has been estimated that over 20 percent of Americans don’t have health insurance. That means more than 56 million citizens across the United States can’t see doctors when they’re sick or injured. According to statistics from the American Medical Association (AMA), one out of every five deaths in the U.S. between 2008 and 2020 was due to medical errors. If you add up all of these factors, about 250 people die each day because of lack of access to healthcare services.

But now, there’s something new being discussed in Congress: “Medicare for All.” This plan would eventually eliminate private health insurance so that Medicaid could cover everyone.

2. Federalism vs. Globalization

The way things work right now in the United States – both federally and at the state level – can make life hard for immigrants who want to live in the country permanently. Some states even require non-citizens to pay taxes before giving them driver’s licenses. But over the next decade, lawmakers may be changing some of those laws so that federal immigration policies become much stricter.

3. Climate Change

As we learn more about climate change, people seem less likely to deny the extent of its effects. A recent survey found that only around 40 percent of Republicans in the United States still believed that climate change wasn’t real. That number went down steadily over time until finally reaching 42 percent in 2018.

4. The Economy

Thanks to high levels of automation and digitization, many industries are starting to feel the impact of economic changes. It seems like every other month; we hear news stories about yet another factory closing down. But while job loss might not be sustainable, some economists say we’re already past the peak of our current economic cycle. Others say we’re closer to the beginning than the end. Either way, lawmakers should prepare for things to get a lot worse economically before they improve.

5. Affirmative Action

Affirmative action programs were once designed to help black Americans overcome discrimination issues. Today, however, affirmative action has become increasingly controversial. Proponents support it because it helps close gaps between minority groups and white Americans. Opponents argue that affirmative action hurts minorities instead. They advocate for alternative solutions such as investing in charter schools and helping low-income families buy homes.